Metamorphica & The Danse Macabre

Original collection created with a digital pen & tablet | 2015 - 2018
Remastered in 2023

Drawing inspiration from mythology and symbolism, these animal headed hybrids and dead beat fashionistas mix humans with paganistic totemism and skeletal decadence, resulting in a highly stylised ultra modern icon.

Using a digital pen & tablet, a framework is digitally drawn in exquisite detail and then meticulously coloured, to create the finished artwork. The original line drawing in these works is very detailed, ensuring that I can build the texture, light and shade, creating the illusion of a 3
dimensional figure.

Each space within the intricate lines of the drawing is individually filled with varying colours, from light to dark in tone, a bit like a stained glass window. 

The gallery below features work in progress images, to give you an idea of the process involved...

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